308 ammo.ĥmm Assault Weapons Pack, which will provide some more 5mm weapons to use (considering that if you install this mod, the Assault Carbine will be the only 5mm weapon in the game). Alternatively, you could also use Rifle and Handgun Ammo Overhaul, where all the "military" ammo types have the 7.62mm nomenclature, and 7.62mm ammo is less powerful than. 308 to 7.62mm Full Rename with New Texture, since the minigun rechamber versions make more sense in tandem with it. I recommend using the following mods together with this one: Also, it won't conflict with YUP I integrated its SMMG fixes into this mod. If choosing the "Advanced" version of the mod, it could conflict with anything that alters the various Sentry Bot enemies in the game, their NPC weapons, and a couple of worldspaces/interiors including The Devil's Throat and the BoS Safehouse. This mod will conflict with anything that alters the Minigun, the CZ57 Avenger, the SMMG, or their related "WithAmmo" leveled lists. Please report anything you find in the comments.

All SMMG rechamber versions require Lonesome Road. Versions of the minigun rechamber are available either for use with the base game, or with the DLCs. It now feels much more like an actual gatling-type machine gun. The ability to use armor piercing ammunition should make up for the reduced damage per shot.

It now does less damage per shot than the rebalanced Minigun, but the fire rate has been greatly increased, while the DPS remains about the same. Rechambers the Shoulder Mounted Machine Gun (SMMG) to 5.56mm and rebalances it. Using standard ammunition, they have a similar feel as before. To account for the loss of the 10 DT reduction per shot offered by 5mm ammo, the DPS of both weapons is raised by about 60. Damage per shot has been increased and fire rate has been reduced. 308 caliber and rebalances both weapons with this in mind. Rechambers the Minigun and CZ57 Avenger to. This mod does either or both of the following things: